U-profile for moving crossmember CF500 /... U-profile for moving crossmember CF500 / CF100 (6x M12 / 240 mm.) is part of the following system(s):CF500 SLCCF500 SL-2CF500 SLCF800Semi Leak ProofSteel floor H32Steel floor H42 Add to Compare
Set CSC 'Slat Connector Strips' 4 x M8... Parts related to Set CSC 'Slat Connector Strips' 4 x M8 (190x25x15mm): Add to Compare
Aluminium endcap for profile 112 mm. Parts related to Aluminium endcap for profile 112 mm.: Add to Compare
Aluminium endcap for profile 156,8 mm.... Aluminium endcap for profile 156,8 mm. [6,17''] is part of the following system(s):CF500 SLCCF500 SL-2 Add to Compare
Aluminium endstop T-subdeck LP floor (350... Aluminium endstop T-subdeck LP floor (350 mm. [13.78'']) is part of the following system(s):CF500 SLC Leak Resist Centre DriveCF3 LP-2 Add to Compare
Alu box section (tube) 40x25x2 mm. Alu box section (tube) 40x25x2 mm. is part of the following system(s):Steel floor H32 Add to Compare
Aluminum antiwear protection strip 5 mm.... Parts related to Aluminum antiwear protection strip 5 mm. incl. holes for welding: Add to Compare